Putin Vindicated? Western Arms For Ukraine Feeding Black Market I Finland Confirms Russia’s Claim

Police in Finland have raised the alarm over the smuggling of Western-donated weapons from Ukraine. Finnish police reportedly claimed that arms donated by the West are being smuggled from Ukraine by criminal gangs. A top official of Finnish police’s bureau of investigations made the claim while speaking to Finland’s Yle broadcaster on October 30. Finnish police’s Christer Ahlgren reportedly said that the arms donated to Ukraine had been found in many European nations. #russiaukrainewar #finland #worldnews #westernweapons 0:00 - INTRODUCTION 1:48 - WEAPONS SMUGGLING CONCERNS GROW AMID UKRAINE WAR 4:13 - WHAT’S FUELING THE CONCERNS IN EUROPE? 5:31 - US STARTS TRACKING ITS ARMS IN UKRAINE n18oc_world n18oc_crux CRUX is your daily video news guide to the big events that are shaping our world. We track news, geopolitics, diplomacy and defence strategies and explain how they shape national policies. Crux makes sense of global developments, and analyses their impact on daily lives. Follow CRUX on Telegram: Follow CRUX on Instagram (@): Follow CRUX on Facebook: #GetCloserToTheNews with latest headlines on politics, sports and entertainment on Also watch: Crux Decode: Crux : Crux Most Watched:
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