“Behold, the Bridegroom cometh...“ sung in Spanish by the choir of the Cathedral of St. George in Mexico City (Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Mexico). [Matthew 25:6], [Luke 12:36]
The Bridegroom troparion sung during Great Lent in Eastern Orthodox Churches (especially the “Bridegroom Matins“ of Passion Week).
2 years ago 01:25:29 17
Mikhail Kollontay - Eight Sacred Sinfonies / Михаил Коллонтай - Восемь духовных симфоний
2 years ago 01:09:30 1
Се жених грядет - Хор братии Спасо-Преображенского Валаамского монастыря
4 years ago 00:04:02 1
Alleluia... Troparion “Behold the Bridegroom“ - Kievan Chant
9 years ago 00:01:39 13
Bridegroom troparion (in Spanish)
9 years ago 00:07:15 14
By raising Lazarus, Six days before the Feast of Passover, Behold the Bridegroom - Orthodox Byzantine Chants