Ratanakiri. Tampuon. Bamboo tube zither / Cithare tubulaire en bambou

The bamboo zither of Tampuon — Ratanakiri This tubular bamboo zither has nine metal strings. The pegs are distributed around the centre the tube and the strings on half of its circumference. On the upper part a hollow gourd resonator is attached. Some strings are dedicated to the melody, other ones to the accompaniment; each has a specific name. On this instrument of entertainment, the musicians interpret melodies of songs or accompanies their own vocals. The music of ethnic minorities in Ratanakiri consists of short melodic and rhythmic cycles. Traditionally, the melodic base is that of the songs played on gongs sets with a rhythmic accompaniment. The tubular zither reproduces, with its own means, both melody and accompaniment. © Patrick Kersalé 2006 To know more about Cambodian music: La cithare de bambou des Tampuon — Ratanakiri Cette cithare tubulaire en bambou est dotée de neuf cordes métalliques. Les chevilles sont réparties s
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