[MARETU] ビノミ (Binomi/Binomial/Taste of Beauty) ft. 初音ミク English Subs.
FAST AS EVER! I was late by an hour again but I speed run it for you as always! Sure was a much easier one to translate but I didn’t expect it to be so straightforward with its approach on cannibalism! Absolutely a bop, I love how experimental it is!
Take translation with a grain of salt as always! Will update description with any important notes! Also at the beginning, I meant to put “Numbers Listed Coordinate” but autocorrect screwed me over 💀 don’t mind that lol
I do NOT own this song, all credit to Maretu!
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0:01: いらっしゃいませ(welcome) is a phrase said when a customer enters a store. Additionaly, 2:58: ありがとうございます (thank you!) is said to or by a customer leaving (along with the sound of a bell and a door slam)
1:25 2:21: The phrases indicate “to eat something deliciously” so this phrase is more so directly saying how good it is to “Eat”
1:54: I translated this part as “to chew” though a more direct translation would be “to rub”. I felt it made a bit more sense in the context that it would be referring to chewing which is why I wrote it that way
0:57 2:06: As mentioned by @roadtriiip, this can possibly be a reference to the “Kuru” disease, a prion neuro degenerative disease that is transmitted solely through the act of cannibalism. It can cause people to gain the inability to swallow, scratching and injuring themselves to try and ease the pain before they starve to death
As mentioned by @blizzardz5280, the symbols shown accompanying the male voice (@^ °_~) aligns with Japanese hiragana letters on Japanese keyboards. Putting them together in the order they appear in the video, it translates to “hungry hungry hungry hungry”
Number Reference:
(1) The Fascia: A thin connective tissue that surrounds most organs to keep them in place
(2) Diaphram: A membrane structure underneath the lungs that aids in breathing
(3) Five Organs: Refers to the five sense organs - Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue, and Skin
(4) Six Internal Organs: Refers to the main six organs of the body - Brain, Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Stomach, and Liver
(5) Epiphyses: The rounded end of a bone
(6) Nasal Bone: Two small bone structures right between your eyes
(7) Scalpula: Shoulder blades
(8) Zygomatic Bones: Cheekbones
(9) Sphenoid Bone: A bone located just underneath the eye sockets
My interpretation: Cannibalism.
Lmao real talk, with the whole alluding to a shop, I think it could be about a shopkeeper, be it a butcher or a restaurant who just for the shits and giggles sells human flesh unknowingly to their customers (and indulges themselves ofc)
1 view
6 months ago 00:03:04 1
[MARETU] ビノミ (Binomi/Binomial/Taste of Beauty) ft. 初音ミク English Subs.
7 months ago 00:03:04 4
【MARETU】The Taste of Beauty【Rus Sub】
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【重音テトSV·PV付】ビノミ【Synthesizer V cover】
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