Austrolebias nigripinnis - Argentine Pearl Killifish
Austrolebias nigripinnis - also known as Argentine Pearl Killifish or Blackfin Pearlfish
This beautiful fish was one of the pioneers of the aquarium hobby. It was discovered in the early 1900’s in temporary ponds on the Argentine pampas northwest of Buenos Aires.
It was scientifically described by Regan in 1912. At first it was named Cynoleabias nigripinnis, but the name was changed to Austrolebias nigripinnis.
Visually this fish is drop-dead gorgeous. At least the males are. The females wear a drab spotted brown colour, and is a bit smaller than the colourful males.
Living in temporary ponds, these fish are annual breeders. The live hard and die young. They seldom live more than 9 months.
Austrolebias nigripinnis prefer slightly acidic, soft water at °Celsius (60-68°F) - and should not be kept at temperatures above 25°C. Higher temperatures will drastically reduce their lifespan. These fish grow fast, and they prefer live foods: such as daphnia, copepods, mosquito larvae and glass worms.
Often you see these fish kept in small unlit containers with nothing but the spawning substrate and dark muddy water, but they really deserve better. Like most other fish they really thrive and glow when kept in clean tanks with lots of plants. Lots of live food and regular water changes supercharge the colors.
Thanks for watching
Ulla and Michael
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Austrolebias nigripinnis - Argentine Pearl Killifish
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