Depreciation Report Requirements for BC Strata Corporations
Visit In this webinar, lawyer Jason Rohrick answers questions about depreciation reports for BC strata corporations of 5 or more strata lots and discusses changes to the Strata Property Act and Regulations.
0:00 Welcome
2:25 Which stratas have to get depreciation reports? Are any exempt?
2:38 Relevant laws: Strata Property Act section 94 and Strata Property Regulation 6.2
3:22 Stratas of 5 or more strata lots
4:15 Can owners vote to waive or defer getting depreciation reports?
5:02 Who is qualified to provide a depreciation report on or after, July 1, 2025?
7:30 Who is qualified to provide a depreciation report before July 1, 2025?
8:39 If the most recent depreciation report was obtained after December 31, 2020, when is the next report due?
9:54 If the most recent depreciation report was obtained before December 31, 2020, or the strata has never obtained a report, what’s the deadline to obtain a report? (July 1, 2026 for specified areas, July 1, 202