Pumpkin Museum\Музей Тыквы\Oshqovoq Muzeyi

The Pumpkin museum is decorated in national style using various types of pumpkins and other types of handicrafts. There are more than 1000 unusual exhibits. Each product is unique because each pumpkin has a unique shape. Visitors to the museum are not only surprised at the range of products, but also participate in master classes for making pumpkin appliqués. Moreover, the puppet shows are presented in the museum. The museum has been operating for 15 years. Here you can see how to grow pumpkin, see different varieties, as well as learn about the production process. People who are interested in pumpkins can buy products and photos. Музей тыквы оформлен в национальном стиле с использованием различных видов тыкв и других поделок. Здесь более 1000 необычных экспонатов. Каждое изделие уникально, ведь каждая тыква имеет неповторимую форму. Посетители музея не только удивляются ассортименту продукции, но и участвуют в мастер-классах по изготовлению аппликаций из тыквы. Кроме того, в музее представлены куколь
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