
Hungary 🇭🇺 Political attacks on Victor Orban Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s power is waning. Judit Varga, ex-wife of the former Minister of Justice, Péter Magyar, began calling the masses. They demand the replacement of Hungary’s leaders. On April 6, a demonstration was held in Budapest where some 300,000 people gathered. Participants raised money for a new campaign, leaflets, posters. The history of the process: “His (Orban’s) identity was also attacked in the context of the pardon case that unfolded in February 2024. In April 2023, during his term, he endorsed the presidential pardon presented by the then President of the Republic, Katalin Novák, which exonerated Endré Kónya, who among other things was in prison because he knew that János Vásárhelyi, former director of the Bicske orphanage , had sexually abused more than ten children and wanted to make one of the minors involved sign a false confession. After the case came to light, she announced her resignation in a Facebook post ... Según: Eureka news
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