Foodhub drives inclusive growth towards its CSR Initiatives by empowering the lives ofyoung children

On Saturday, 23rd Oct’21, FoodHub Software Solutions India Pvt Ltd extended their support to Seva Chakkara Or phanage - Redhills. The Foodhub CSR team visited the Seva Chakkara Orphanage to spend a day with kids, th e CSR volunteers and the children had a wonderful time as they were engaged in various activities like Painti ng, Singing, Dancing and Acting. The volunteers served food to children and presented them gifts, school bags and the necessary school supplies. The FoodHub team motivated the kids and educated them on health, hygiene and the importance of sports and fitness. The volunteers have given guidance to kids on how to identify their passi ons and goals early to be successful in their life. Speaking at the occasion Alaoui (Global Leader at Foodhub) said, “ Foodhub drives inclusive growth towards its CSR Initiatives by empowering the lives of young children and to accelerate development. He advi sed that the students should focus on learning by making a difference in the so
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