Jayne Karma Lamo - Solfeggio 528

This is 14 minute sound journey including the Solfeggio Frequency of Love, Miracles & DNA Repair - 528 Hz. We all can use a little bit of this right now! Included are chimes, synth tones, voice, drumming, rattles, crystal bowls, ocean sounds, & guitar. Best listening is done on headphones! Can be listened to before bedtime to help with sleep. Gift yourself 15 minutes of deep relaxation & rejuvenation! This sound journey will become part of a live in person event that incorporates all the Solfeggio tones, to deeply nourish the body and spirit. Video art by Dmitri Posudin () ***PLEASE ASK PERMISSION for use of this sound journey in your work*** It is available for purchase on BandCamp here: If you live in the West Kootenays and are interested in attending a Sound Immersion event - please view and subscribe to my EventBrite to be notified of upcoming events (h
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