Lord Halifax crosses Atlantic on HMS King George V (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Lord Halifax, ambassador to Washington, crosses Atlantic on Royal Navy warship HMS George V Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Lord Halifax on Board “King George V“ ATLANTIC OCEAN: EXT HALIFAX, Lord and Lady. On board King George gun Halifax talking to one of crew. “KING GEORGE V“, Battleship On Maiden voyage to U.S. w. Lord and Lady Halifax.. shots of Lord Halifax inside gun turrets, sees engine room, looking at dials of ship weathering roough seas. NAVAL (British). Lord and Lady Halifax on King George V on voyage to U.S. (maiden voyage)..shots of Lord Halifax inside gun turrets, sees engine room, dials of ship weathering rough seas etc. PATTERSON, . (Ship’s George V). In group on deck with Lord & Lady Halifax on voyage to U.S. Ships and Boats ambassador
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