Founding of the United Nations - San Francisco 1945 | Archives | United Nations
From the Archives: 26-Jun-1945
Documentary about the founding of the United Nations Organization and the San Francisco Conference in 1945.
Shot list:
Part I:
1. cu. Titles and credits. 49 49;
2. mls. . transport aircraft approaching San Francisco. 62 13;
3. ls, mls. Various shots of Golden Gate Bridge. 93 31;
4. mls, ms. San Francisco street scenes; traffic, pedestrians. 134 41;
5. mls. Airplane lands. Preparations for arrival of delegates. 159 25;
6. mls, ms. Delegates arrive. Among them: Gen. Jan Christian Smuts (S.A.), Averell Harriman (USA), V. M. Molotov (USSR), Edward Stettinius (USA), Mdm. Chiang Kai-shek (China). 216 57;
7. mls. Aircraft arrives with wounded men. Ambulances stand by. 247 31;
8. ms. Wounded men carried from aircraft to ambulances. 286 39;
9. mls. U.S. flag flying over San Francisco Opera House. 291 5;
10. ls. Crossfade to interior Opera House. Delegates standing. 329 38;
11. ls. U.S. flag flying at half-mast over Opera House. 337 8;
12. cu, mls; Various shots of people staring up at U.S. flag; 362 25;
13. ls. Interior Opera House. Delegates take seats. 377 15;
14. ms. Pan from engineer at amplifier to Public address speaker. 392 15;
15. ms, mls. President Harry S. Truman (US) addressing UN Assembly. Pan to delegates who applaud, rise and chat informally. 468 76;
16. mls, ms. Delegates register at registration desk. 478 10;
17. mhs, ms. Various representatives sign register as UN delegates. 502 24;
18. ms, mcu. Delegates chatting informally. 530 28;
19. mls, ms. Various shots of committee meetings and speakers addressing assembly during the drafting of the UN Charter. 629 99;
20. cu. Animated diagram showing make-up of UN Organization. 739 109;
21. mls, ms. Ditto #18. 811 73;
22. mls, ms. Delegates tour various sites; shipyard, housing development etc. 889 78;
23. ms, cu. Delegates visit art exhibit. Cu’s of paintings. 994 55.
Part II:
Shot list:
1. ms. Exterior: Mosque of United Nations Theatre in San Francisco. 7 7;
2. ls. Interior: Delegates and audience seated in UN Theatre. 11 4;
3. ms. Delegates watch as picture screen in background flashes picture title, “Unconditional Surrender”. 16 5;
4. ls. Same as shot #2. 19 3;
5. ms. Shot of screen showing surrender of Third Reich. 41 22;
6. ms. Cut to projectionist in UN Theatre projection booth. 46 5;
7. lhs. Shot of screen; exterior – men walk through desolate area. 52 6;
8. ms, mcu. Shot of screen showing dead and dying in concentration camp. German civilian and American GI’s view scene of atrocities. 80 28;
9. ms. Delegates on foreground watch as screen in background shows ragged children in concentration camp. 94 14;
10. mls, ms. Various shots of debris in bombed-out German city. 105 11;
11. mls, ms, mcu. Interior: Delegates debate on make-up of UN Charter. Reaction shots of audience and delegates. Delegates and audience applaud adoption of vote. 315 210;
12. mls, ms. Exterior: People on street waiting for decision on UN Charter. 332 17;
13. mls, ms. Interior: UN Charter being signed by Wellington Koo (China), Paul Bouceout (France), Andrei Gromyko (USSR) and Lord Halifax (UK). 373 41;
14. mls. Edward Stettinius (US) signs charter and shakes hands with President Harry Truman (US). 403 30.
15. mls, ms. Exterior: Ambulances arrive with wounded veterans. Excellent crowd reaction shots. 451 48;
16. mls, ms. Interior: President Truman addressing UN delegates. 495 44;
17. ms, mcu. Exterior: Flags of represented nations flying in front of San Francisco Opera House. 526 31.
This video is part of the Audiovisual Library of the United Nations, Department of Global Communications. The AV Library holds over 6,330 hours of historical content on film formats, 49,400 hours of video, over 18,000 hours of audio in a wide variety of formats are available in our off-site archives. They are digitized, they will be made available for a worldwide community of users.
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ID: 1288630
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