CrossFit - Coaching Points for Flipping Tires

CrossFit Journal Preview (). “You were born to do this,“ Rob Orlando says. “We have to put you in the right position and it’ll happen naturally.“ Join Orlando, owner of Hybrid Athletics, as he teaches tire-flipping technique to CrossFitters in the U.K. Orlando asks his assistant, Carey Kepler, to demonstrate proper tire-flipping technique, and she sets up with her chest and shoulders against the tire, gripping underneath. “We’re not going up and we’re not sliding forward. We’re going somewhere in the middle. We’re looking for 45 degrees,“ Orlando says of the drive into the tire. The first step is extending the hip without changing the arm angle. Next is a stutter step and kick with your dominant leg so the tire never stops moving. Keep your grip underneath the tire. “If you can get the tire to your thigh, you should be able to get the tire over. You’ve done most of the work. All you
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