Dep7 - Journey Of A Young Man (Spitzer Radio Ambient Series)

Support artists & labels and buy physical or digital music. Your likes are very welcome. It helps to introduce good music to a broad audience. Thanks! All tracks are uploaded in a low quality for promotional purposes only, to support artists and labels including buy links. This channel does not monetize for any upload. All uploads are monetized by the distributor and labels. If you are a copyright holder and you are not agree with your music upload please let us know on info@ DEMO/PREMIERE/MIXES/REPOST/MASTERING requests - Spitzer Spotify Playlist - - SPITZER RADIO- [AIR] [FB] [TWTR] [INSRG] [VK] TL: 1. How To Disappear Completely - Dawn Breaks Through (Iterum) [Aural Stream] 2. Evigt Mörker - Under ljuset av levande stjärnor [self released] 3. Tokyo Ambient Collective - Noises from the darkness [Ricco Label] 4. Jens Buchert - Lifecode [Jebu Records] 5. Sintese - My Own Birth [Ovnimoon Records] 6. Jens Buchert - Bowls Of Light [Jebu Records] 7. Tokyo Ambient Collective - When the darkness come [Ricco Label] 8. Transponder - Backscatter [Beholder] 9. Purl - The Stars Will Have An End [Behing Clouds]
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