африканский краснохвостый канюк/Red necked Buzzard - Buse d’Afrique - Nyonié GABON

Chick Red-necked Buzzard was born at the beginning of February in a large nest and placed on a pylon which serves as a relay for telephony in Gabon, the observation lasted from March to May when the Red-necked Buzzard left the pylon for its first solo flight, it returns there in the night. It is a generalist hunter and its prey consists of a large variety of small animals including rodents, birds, lizards and snakes, as well as arthropods and especially termites. The African Red-necked Buzzard is a partial migrant, northern populations can be completely migratory and leave the savannah after t...he rains and spend the dry season south along the edge of the main forest area. The African Red-necked Buzzard normally hunts by sitting on the lookout on a perch, scanning the ground for prey that is captured by a plunge diving on the prey. The maximum longevity of the Red-necked Buzzard is 20 years. I had a lot of difficulty for the drone around the pylon a lot of interference .... Bébé Buse est
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