Why there are no perfect maps (and why we eat pizza the way we do)

Have you ever wondered why you’ve never seen a perfect map? Or why bending the side of your pizza keeps the toppings from falling off? Surprisingly, these two everyday phenomena can be explained by one abstract mathematical theorem: Gauss’ amazing Theorema Egregium. This video is a submission to SoME2, the math explainer contest organised by 3b1b and James Schloss. REFERENCES: Other videos referenced (if you’ve never heard about different map projections and the problems with them, I would recommend the videos by Map Men or Vox, they’re my personal favourites): -Map Men: Why every world map is wrong -Vox: Why all world maps are wrong -The Science of Everything: Why Every World Map You’ve Ever Read is Wrong -Newsy: Why most world maps are wrong -Kayla Wolf on Ted-Ed: Why every world map is wrong -Nas Daily: World map is wrong
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