Nembutsu 念 佛 | in Korean | Namu Amita Bul | 南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛 | Pure Land Buddhism | Jodo Shinshu

This beautiful, 32 minutes Recitation in Korean, Namu Amita Bul (南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛), is meant for persons who want a longer session, to be in the presence of Amida Buddha. Adapted from a shorter version mentioned in the Acknowledgement below, it is nicely accompanied by drum beat and music. As the six character Name is not a mantra or meditational practice, you can follow the recitations in your own language of choice: “Namo Amida Bu“ “Namo Amituo Fo“, “Namo Adida Phat“, “Namu Amita Bul“ ..etc..
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