Free Suits - Wpa Gives Away $15,000,000 Worth Aka Us Government Aids Clothing Industry Lner (1938)

Titles read: “FREE SUITS - WPA GIVES AWAY $15,000,000 WORTH“. United States of America. M/S of President Sidney Hillman of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers sitting at a desk. Commentator explains he has sold the US Government a $15 million dollar idea calculated to bring renewed employment to the clothing industry. Several shots of men and women working on machines and cutting out fabric by hand at a clothing factory. The idea is for WPA (Works Progress / Projects Administration) to purchase a million garments for clients on relief. More shots in the factory as tailors sew by hand, men press garments and move rails of suits about. C/U of Harry Hopkins as he explains the Government’s stand. He talks of vast quantities of surplus clothing that is paralysing clothing manufacturers and says that by purchasing the inexpensive clothing for use by unemployed people, the industry is able to pick up production and take on more workers. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE
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