
中村草山是日本草月流花道大師,研習花藝40多年。麥可·傑克森在日本開演唱會時所住房間的花藝、柴契爾夫人在日本演講時講台上的花卉,都是他的傑作。最近,中村老師接受了我們的採訪,並親身示範了幾款簡易插花,學會這幾招,一生受用。 Nakamura is a master of Sogetsu Ikebana who has studied flower arrangement for more than 40 years. His work includes the flowers in Michael Jackson’s room during his stay in Japan and the flowers in front of Mrs. Thatcher when she gave a speech in Japan. Recently, Mr. Nakamura accepted our interview, and demonstrated a few simple flower arrangement. You will surly benefit if you can learn one thi
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