Thickest Knife to ever exist!! A Blade for Giants and.. still good!?

We’ve tested many crazy knives on the channel... but this one might be the craziest of all! Wew asked DULO Knives to make us the Thickest Knife possible... and he did just that! The result? a 20mm thick or .79 inch thick blade! funny thing.... it was still useable! This might just be the worldst thickest knife.... Support us too by buying through Tools for Gents Check out DuloKnives *Support us through our own webshop!* *Support us by joining our Patreon and get a chance to win knives!* _________________________ Shops!_________________________ *Support us by buying from our shop!* *Awesome shop in Europe (affiliate)* *BladeHQ Knife shop USA: (affiliate)* _________________________ Check us out!_________________________ *Check out our Patreon Give-Away and support the channel: * -hidden message: Mikkie is an ugly unwanted child- *Discord!*: *Insta:* *FB:* #Knife #Blade #bushcraft
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