Rip Nipsey Husstle KEEP IT REAL or Keep it Alive

We might of been raised in a catch 22 #keepitreal get u robbed killed framed all dat nothing wrong wit buying bizz in da hood but being there all da damn time is not it chief fuxx dat i lov da hood better yet all my homiees but i aint fena die infront of yall after all them years of gangbanging member we wasnt suppose to see 18 now we hav I memeber the homiesss we lost at 12 & 13 we can’t let them down they live threw us kings & queens yall hung ya lovones an cherish every moment big or small ps i dont wanna hear shit about keeping it real fuck u #LLNip #ripnipseyhusstle we did this as a people #All$N #nhniprip king #itsmoehatasthenitizrealniggas nocap DONATIONS: Donations are never asked for but are always appreciated! Everything you as a supporter donates to the streamer gets put right back into channel to give you guys better quality content!!! DONATE – You can also donate through Super Chat by clicking the dollar sign under the ch
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