Drazen Luburic vs Tine Urnaut | Serbia vs Slovenia | VNL 2021 (HD)

Drazen Luburic vs Tine Urnaut | Serbia vs Slovenia | VNL 2021 (HD) Aleksa Batak and Marko Podrascanin block Slovenia’s Klemen Cebulj as Serbia open their 2021 VNL campaign with a hard-earned win. Serbia were pushed to their limits before overcoming rookies Slovenia in four dramatic sets on the opening day of the 2021 FIVB Men’s Volleyball Nations League. Here’s the reaction after the game, from the virtual Mixed Zone: Tine Urnaut (Slovenia): “It was a tough match. I think that at some point both teams were doing a really good job in sideout, both teams had an opportunity to close the third set. We didn’t use this chance and Serbia won this set. After that it was difficult for us to come back, but all in all for the first match we did some good stuff. We found some things that we need to improve on and we need to do it to play more consistently on top level.“ Drazen Luboric (Serbia): “I’m glad that we won because in these kinds of tournamen
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