Legamus Latinum: Ovid’s Metamorphoses book 1

A single-take of the opening book of Ovid’d creation epic! (I like to call this style “a tapestry of epileons,“ but wouldn’t consider that a real classification. Ecce- Unending allegories, metaphor and different levels of symbolism- both overt and esoteric- throughout the text. Fellow Seekers and Gnostics, rejoice! A joy to recite, as well. To me, Ovid’s writing profoundly shows the enormous flexibility of ’epic’ dactylic hexameter meter to change and adapt itself to various poetical circumstances (much as the characters in the myths at the behest of gods) So there’s that, and also the simpler fact that reciting over an hour of elegiac couplets would probably put myself and any listeners to sleep- Thanks Publius! I’ve read discreet sections of this book before (as posted,) but this really is my first time reading it ’cover to cover’. Much of this is still ’sight reading’ for me, so expect a few hiccups in both scansion and pronunciat
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