Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai organized a Human chain to raise awareness for Eye donation

A huge participation of more than 200 members belonging to different age groups comprising College students, Doctors & staff of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital and the general public held placards participated in the human chain which created a mass public awareness about the importance of Eye donation and generated Eye donation ple dges. Thiru P. Mahendran, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Adyar said, “Blindness is one of the major public health pro blems faced in India. Our eyes can continue to live on even after death if we donate our eyes. Hence, on this Nati onal Eye Donation Fortnight, let us pledge to give the gift of sight and give a chance to the visually impaired peo ple to experience the delights of our beautiful world.“ Dr. Preethi, Senior Cornea Consultant & Medical Director - Dr Agarwals Eye Bank said, “Even though one pair of eyes can give vision to 4 people, there is a huge gap between demand and supply of the eyes. National Eye Donat ion fortnight is observed at all our Dr
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