Powerful Chaplet of the Evangelical Virtues of Mary, Freedom & Healing through the Immaculate Heart

A very powerful prayer that can help you reflect on Mother Mary’s 10 Evangelical virtues and imitate her. Additionally, in this prayer we claim the promises of strong protection and peace through the Immaculate Heart, conveyed in the dying last words of St Jacinta, one of the three children from the Fatima Apparition to Lucia - “Tell everybody that God grants graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and that they must ask them from her. Tell them that the Heart of Jesus wishes that by His side should be venerated the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask peace through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; God has placed it in her hands. Oh that I could put into the heart of everybody the flame that I feel burning within my breast and which makes me love so much the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary.” If you want to live a truly holy life today, one of the best ways is to imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her Ten Evangelical Virtues shine through the Holy Scriptures as a glorious way to salvatio
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