ISALONI 2023. Salone del Mobile MILANO. Выставка мебели в Милане. Тренды дизайна интерьера 2023.

SALONI 2023. Salone del Mobile. Furniture exhibition in Milan. Interior design trends 2023. Hello everyone, I have filmed for you a detailed review of the International Furniture Exhibition Salone del Mobile 2023, which was held from April 8 to April 23, 2023 in Milan. All the best at the stands of more than 50 factories, which you can see without leaving your city!) I divided the review into 3 parts and a separate issue will be dedicated to the Euroluce 2023 review, which was included in the SALONI 2023 exhibition program this year. Enjoy watching!) FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: and my website : In 1 part factory overview: _________________________________ ISALONI 2023. Salone del Mobile. Выставка мебели в Милане. Тренды дизайна интерьера 2023. Всем привет, Я сняла для Вас подробный обзор Международной мебельной выставки Salone del Mobile 2023, которая проходила с 8 по 23 апреля 2023 год
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