The Kusarigama: Gimmicky or Effective?

Was it actually a “ninja“ (shinobi) weapon? Was it used by peasants to defend their fields against unscrupulous ronin (masterless samurai)? What types of kusarigama are there? How practical is it against a swordsman or polearm user? These and other questions are what we’re looking at in this video. Although I can’t show you a kusarigama on hand I can comment on demonstrations and sparring footage. And of course I can make some statements about the kama based on sickle tests I’ve done in the past. For more accurate pronunciation and more historical background I got a certain fellow Youtuber on board who specializes in Roman and Japanese arms and armor. People keep asking for a collab, so here you go. :) *** Sources *** Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions by Ellis Amdur A better Castlevania w
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