Der Geher in Hamburg: Ottensen

I am Der Geher and start at Altona station to walk through Ottensen. Through the pedestrian zone it goes to the Menckmal, an excavator to remember Menck & Hambrock. After impressions of the Alma-Wartenberg-Platz and the Harkenseepark follows the Church of the Cross. Passing the Rudolf Steiner School, the walk ends at the Christian Church where the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock is buried. For a long time Ottensen was a farming and craftsmen’s village, which was burned down by Swedish troops in 1713. After reconstruction, the Christian Church was built in 1735-38, named after the Danish King Christian VI. After the German-Danish War (1864) Ottensen belonged to Schleswig-Holstein, from 1889 to Altona and then from 1938 to Hamburg. Today, about 36,000 inhabitants are living in the district. Filmed: October 18th, 2021 Weather: clouds Temerature: 9°C, 48°F
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