King Crimson - Inner Garden I

Full Playlist: INNER GARDEN I Autumn has come to rest in her garden come to paint the trees with emptiness and no pardon so many things have come undone like the leaves on the ground and suddenly she begins to cry but she doesn’t know why heavy are the words that fall through the air to burden her shoulders caught up in the trees, her soliloquy, “don’t leave me alone” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Fripp: Guitar, Soundscapes, Mellotron Adrian Belew: Guitar, Voice, Words Trey Gunn: Stick, Backing Vocals Tony Levin: Upright & Electric Basses, Backing Vocals Pat Mastelotto: Acoustic & Electronic Percussions Bill Bruford: Acoustic & Electronic Percussions Music by King Crimson. Words by Adrian Belew. Published by Crimson Music / Universal Music MGB Ltd / District 6 Music Publishing Ltd / T Lev Inc
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