[WR] Papers, Please - No Citations Speedrun (Ending 20) in 3:07:

0:00 Day 1 3:19 Day 2 5:00 Day 3 11:09 Day 3 End, Day 4 18:23 Day 4 End, Day 5 25:36 Day 5 End, Day 6 28:29 Day 7 35:37 Day 7 End, Day 8 42:51 Day 8 End, Day 9 51:03 Day 9 End, Day 10 59:09 Day 10 End, Day 11 1:06:23 Day 11 End, Day 12 1:10:20 Day 13 1:18:28 Day 13 End, Day 14 1:26:42 Day 14 End, Day 15 1:34:56 Day 15 End, Day 16 1:37:27 Day 17 1:46:03 Day 17 End, Day 18 1:49:34 Day 19 1:57:42 Day 19 End, Day 20 2:00:05 Day 21 2:03:35 Day 22 2:11:43 Day 22 End, Day 23 2:14:29 Day 24 2:22:37 Day 24 End, Day 25 2:30:51 Day 25 End, Day 26 2:34:12 Day 27 2:42:20 Day 27 End, Day 28 2:45:34 Day 29 2:54:09 Day 29 End, Day 30 3:03:03 Day 30 End, Day 31 Unavoidable citation at 2:47:42 This run was submitted on June 2nd, but not verified until August 3rd. The reason why there are long periods of time where I do nothing is because 9 entrants is the minimum amount for the day to end, and so there’s no need to risk potential citations. The only exceptions are days 1 and 3 where I needed more money so my family doesn’t die, and also day 30 because I panicked that my family was going to die. Some entrants are scripted to be denied or accepted, which is why I instantly stamped for some of them. Some tactics such as letting Sergiu die on day 18 and poisoning an entrant on day 20 were learnt from the previous world record: I made a Failed Attempts video:
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