Digimat MF & FE used to define 3D orthotropic material models

Short overview of how to use Digimat to calculate engineering constants for fiber reinforced materials. Digimat is an Advanced Materials Modeling application from MSC Software that is available within MSC One Token licensing solution -there’s a number of different modules. Things for simulating additive manufacturing; things for mapping material properties over from, for example, injection moulding simulation to an FE model. What we’re going to look at today is difference between Digimat MF using mean field homogenization method & Digimat FE which uses an FEA analysis to generate material constants. Firstly we’re looking at Digimat’s fairly simple GUI and add an analysis to it. Because it’s a 2 phase composite we need to define 2 materials. Material one is epoxy that is elastic & isotropic and we validate there and then. I need to add a second material - glass - also elastic and isotropic. Next step is to microstructure, and what I’m going to model this as a 60% glas
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