This is my cover of Baker Street. It is a note for note guitar tab of the original by Gerry Rafferty. All Saxophone and keyboard parts arranged for guitar.
I’m playing all the instruments and singing.
I started by separating the original track into drums/bass/guitar/vocal. I then painstakingly transcribed all the parts note for note, and replayed them. I then went into the recording booth and sang the song.
This is going out to Gerry Rafferty, who filled our lives with such a great song.
Baker Street was written by Gerry Rafferty and was released as a single in 1978.
The Equipment used in t
...his recording is as follows:
Slate ML1 Microphone
The software is Cubase Pro.
The audio interface is an Axe IO
The Bass sound was created with a Sire P10, straight into the Axe.
The Guitars are an Alvarez acoustic, a Les Paul, a Harley Benton, and an Epiphone Prophecy straight into the Axe. Amplitube 5 was used for amp emulation.
The Piano was played on a Roland Fantom.
All vocals were recorded with the Slate ML1
Ozone 9 was used for mastering.
The video, and the recording, were produced by Abraham Myers.
To find me on Facebook, go to:
And feel free to send me a message either on Facebook or YouTube if you have a question about music, bass, guitar, piano whatever, and I will try my best to help you. Or, if you’re trying to learn something and you can’t find any tabs for it, send me a request. I can’t always get to them right away, but I will try my best.
To me, Music is about love, and helping one another.
The Picking Pythagorean.
#bakerstreet #gerryrafferty
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