UNREPEATED 30 MIN Leg Workout - No Repeat | EPIC Heat - Day 37

Ready for a complete leg session!? So much variety with no repeat exercises to help strengthen the quads, hamstrings and glutes with dumbbells and bodyweight exercises! A real challenge from the first exercise! For this leg workout you will need a pair of dumbbells, a wall and a yoga block/thick book, however this is options and still can be completed without the elevation aspect! The dumbbells I am using are 15kg each. Some of the exercises involve x2 dumbbells, others X1 dumbbell and some bodyweight only! But don’t underestimate the bodyweight exercises within this workout! The timer will be on for 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest with each exercise! 2 x DUMBBELL WALL SIT! HEEL ELEVATED SQUATS STATIC LUNGE W/ PULSE REAR STEP LUNGE (same side) STATIC LUNGE W/ PULSE (switch) REAR STEP LUNGE (same side) STEPPING TO CURTSEY LUNGE FOOT ELEVATED CURTSEY LUNGE (same side) STEPPING TO CURTSEY LUNGE (switch) FOOT ELE
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