UNEPs Executive Director outlines ways everyone can #beatplasticpollution this #worldenvironmentday

Learn more: SCRIPT On World Environment Day, we are calling on everyone to help beat plastic pollution. Why? Because plastic pollution is choking our ecosystems, warming our climate and very likely damaging our health. Recycling is not the magic bullet. Our systems cannot cope. Change has to happen across the whole lifecycle of plastics. We must refuse unnecessary single-use items. Redesign products and packaging to use less plastic. Reuse, recycle, reorient and diversify our systems. This is how we keep plastic out of ecosystems and in the economy. Everyone must play their part. Governments can deliver a strong outcome on the deal to end plastic pollution under negotiation. Businesses can adopt a lifecyle approach. The financial sector can put its capital behind the transformation. Citizens can use their voices, votes and wallets to drive change. My thanks to Cote d’Ivoire for showing their commitment to beating plastic pollution by hosting World Environment Day. Join this global movement. And help us beat plastic pollution, once and for all.
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