Exploring girl power from breaking menstrual taboos to riding motorcycles

Model, actress and cover star of i-D’s Female Gaze Issue Adwoa Aboah is on a mission to get girls across the world to open up about mental health, body image and sexuality through her project Gurls Talk. In our new three-part series, we travel with the young advocate to LA, to meet the city’s strong and powerful women making a stand for change. In the third and final episode Adwoa discusses the birth of Gurls Talk, spending time with a range of women who are challenging the norm. Follow Adwoa as she hangs out with activist and MIA’s drummer Kiran Gandhi who ran the marathon whilst menstruating, takes a trip to the tattoo parlour with Brooke Candy to discuss sexual freedom and cruises around with The Velvets, an all-female motorcycle club to explore how together, we can make a difference for the future of womanhood. Director Eloise King
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