Мөнхийн Ленин - Forever With Lenin (Mongolian Communist Song)
From a record of works by Mongolian composers.
Translation note: “Forever With Lenin“ is the official English name of this song. However, a more accurate translation would be something along the lines of “Eternal Lenin“.
Performer: Gantuyaa Gombo-Ochir (Гантуяа Гомбо-Очир), Mongolian People’s Republic Philarmonic Symphony Orchestra (БНМАУ-ын Филармонийн Симфони Найрал Хөгжим)
Year recorded: 1981
Composer: Dagvyn Luvsansharav (Дагвын Лувсаншарав)
Lyricist: Chimediin Gombo (Чимэдийн Гомбо)
Year composed: 1970
Source: Vinyl record “Монголын Хөгжмийн Зохиолчдын Бүтээлүүд“
Picture: Painting “V.I. Lenin“ (“В.И. Ленин“) by Marzan Sharav (Марзан Шарав), 1924.
1 year ago 00:03:24 3
Мөнхийн Ленин - Forever With Lenin (Mongolian Communist Song)