Friday readings with Andrew Hozier-Byrne Ep.3 July 17, 2020

1. ’And the days are not full enough’ by Ezra Pound (1:33) 2. ’Futility’ by Wilfred Owen (3:04) 3. ’A Flower Given to My Daughter’ By James Joyce (5:02) 4. ’Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda (7:56) 5. ’I, Too’ by Langston Hughes (10:45) 6. ’They’ll say: ‘She Must Be From Another Country’ by Imtiaz Dharker (11:32) 7. ’When You Are Old’ by WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS (14:10) 8. from ’My Ireland’ by Stephen James Smith (16:28) 9. ’St Kevin and the Blackbird’ by Seamus Heaney (19:36) 10. ’Sweeney Astray’ by Seamus Heaney
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