VII International Theosophical Congress. Invitation. Cooperation. Achievements.

VII INTERNATIONAL THEOSOPHICAL CONGRESS, dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky We invite you to take part in the Congress: an international scientific Symposium, Exhibitions of fine art and sculptures, cut stones, a book expedition, a round table “THeosophy and Society“, a briefing with speakers, a demonstration of the H.P. Blavatsky’s medallion, an award ceremony for the winners of creative Competitions and much more. The Congress will be held: November 24, 25, 26, 2023. Russia. Moscow. The main concept of the event: support and development of activities based on spiritual and moral education of society, scientific research, socially significant and educational activities aimed at the ideas of humanism, tolerance, morality, mutual assistance, regardless of nationality and religion. MOSCOW. CONGRESS. BLAVATSKY. ✋ Registration for the VII International Theosophical Congress in Moscow is open! Details: #Blavatsky #Theosophy #Science #ScientificSymposium #TheSecretDoctrine #InternationalTheosophicalCongress #Russia #Contests #Moscow #Cosmos #Consciousness #Universe #World
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