Sissu Et Yerushalayim (hebrew)- Rejoice with Jerusalem - best of Jewish Music (jewish prayers)

Jewish music (jewish prayers) - songs for Shabbat and the best of Chassidic (Hassidic) Music, all taken from the album “Chassidic and Shabbat Songs“ Brought to you by “The Soul of Jewish Music“ the very best of famous Jewish Music YouTube Channel Subscribe Here: Hebrew Lyrics: Chorus: Sisu et Yerushalayim, gilu vah, gilu va kol ohaveiha, kol ohaveiha. Al chomotayich ir David hifkad’ti shomrim, kol hayom vechol halaila (repeat ) Chorus Al tira ve’al tifchad avdi Ya’akov Ki yafutzu misaneicha (mip’neicha) (repeat ) Chorus Se’i saviv einayich urei kulam nik’betzu uva’u lach. (repeat ) Chorus English: REJOICE ABOUT JERUSALEM Chorus: Rejoice with Jerusalem, be glad about her, be glad all you that love her, all who love her. On your walls, Oh city of David I have stationed watchmen, all day and night. (repeat) Chorus Do not fear, my servant Jacob, for your enemies shall be scattered before you. (repeat) Chorus Look abou
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