Esco Enterprise™ Laminar Flow Straddle Units | Esco Pharma

Esco Enterprise™ Laminar Flow Straddle Unit is the leading solution for industrial process protection and is available in either single (ESUS) or double-sided (ESUD) models. It is suitable for large-scale processes which typically require multiple units to be connected in an assembly line configuration. The unit operates and maintains vertical laminar airflow providing an ultra-clean environment directly at the process level and may be placed in an ISO Class 7 cleanroom. This allows the elimination of initial and operating costs which are associated with full-sized ISO Class 5 or better cleanrooms. The unit generates less turbulence around large pieces of equipment compared to horizontal laminar flow designs. Principle: Ambient air is drawn on the top of the unit, filtered through a prefilter. The air is then forced evenly through HEPA filters projecting a vertical unidirectional stream of cleaned air to the work zone. The air then exits through the front opening of the unit.
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