Knife Making - Dagger From a Rusty File

[EN] In this video I make a dagger from an old file from my grandfather. It was covered in rust and dust, and was no longer usable… The files are made a good steel for cutlery, with a carbon content of about 1.3%. To be able to work them easily, they must be remove the soak, bringing them to cherry red, almost yellow, then let them cool slowly, otherwise they are very hard and cannot be drilled. The handle of this dagger is in ebony with an ox bone, the guard and the pommel are in recovery steel. It’s been a long time since I wanted to make a dagger by the way this is my first I’m training to attack a big sword soon 😉 [FR] Dans cette vidéo je fabrique une dague à partir d’une vieille lime de mon grand-père. Elle était couverte de rouille et de poussière, et n’était plus utilisable… Les limes sont faites de bons aciers pour la coutellerie, grâce a leur teneur en carbone aux alentours de 1,3% . Pour pouvoir les travailler facilement il faut enlever
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