Obama Loses Control, He Gets Pissed At The Crowd

Obama Loses Control, He Gets Pissed At The Crowd ___________________________________________________________________________ Memesnchat is here to meme the Biden Administration. We are covering Joe Biden’s awkward gaffes and Kamala Harris’ Word Salad moments. The Best Moments is covering the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s verbal dueling with Peter Doocy. Memenschat is where you’ll find enlightening videos on these topics. From funny memes on Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Karine Jean-Pierre, and many others, we bring you the most interesting snippets of speeches and debates from the White House to Congress. ____________________________________________________________ Don’t Forget To Support The Channel ➡️ ## Subscribe: ➡️ ## CAFFEINE DONATIONS: ➡️ ## YouTube Memebership: ______________________________
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