IMMO FAIL COMPILATION #1 | Valorant Guru #valorant #shorts #valorantclips
Valorant Guru
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Join us on our valorant journey! We are 2 immortal sweater from germany, we love valorant and we want to make daily content for you.
On this channel you can expect funny Valorant clips, lineups, strategys, fragmovies, guides and even more!
We deliver valorant content for all agents like Neon, Raze, Jett, Phoenix, Yoru, Reyna, Kayo, Skye, Sova, Breach, Fade, Killjoy, Cypher, Chamber, Sage, Viper, Omen, Astra, Brimstone Harbor
We make content on all maps like Valorant Haven, Icebox, Bind, Fracture, Split, Ascent, Breeze. Pearl
We love Valoramz creators like Valorant Tenz, Shazam, red, ladiff, Grim
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2 years ago 00:00:42 2
IMMO FAIL COMPILATION #1 | Valorant Guru #valorant #shorts #valorantclips