New South Wales - The Floods Retreat (1955)

New South Wales, Australia. LV. People clearing mud from homes. GV. River, pan to people clearing from homes. SV. Woman salvaging linen, etc. CU. Woman, pan down to mud covered clothes in a chest. GV. Washing on a line, pan to man washing a pram in flood water. SV. Man drinking tea in partly cleared house. LV. Men clearing a truck and other debris which had been hurled against the front of a house. SCU. Man clearing a truck and other debris. Corrugated iron being pushed from pile of debris. SV. People salvaging outside a jeweller’s shop. CU. A man fishing a watch from a pile of mud. SV. Families being evacuated from Hunter Valley because of threatened disease. SV. Families being evacuated. People boarding an Army ’ ducks’. CU. Invalid being lifted into ’dukws’. CU. Small children holding pets, pan up to parents as they await turn to board ’dukws’. SCU. A baby being passed into ’dukws’. GV. Debris piled up against houses and leaning power-pylons. SV. People salvaging wrecked homes. LV. Another scene, peopl
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