Frostpony (MLP:FIM Animation, Frostpunk Crossover)

What if one day, a Great Frost blankets Equestria? Is it the Windigos? Volcanic ashes? Celestia’s sun weakening? All we know is that... The City Must Survive! Deaths are to be expected... When I started Frostpony, I intend it to be an experiment to test how Animate and After Effects interact with each other. However, the goal changed as I worked on it: I want to make an animation that I can look back on and really be proud of how far I have progressed. Coupled that with how much I love My Little Pony, as well as how Frostpunk is an amazing game, and I got the perfect recipe to really motivate me to see this to completion! Thank you 11bit studios for an amazing game! I am looking forward to playing the Last Autumn and Project TVADGYCGJR! And of course Piotr Musiał for the soundtrack. I can’t stop listening to it... Support me on Patreon! at And thank you to these amazing people Trevor Rain, who does
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