Beatburger Live Dj set Электронный бомонд R_sound Russia Kostroma

Location: Hotel “CRUISE“, Kostroma Live dj set: Video broadcast: R_sound Genre: Electronic Style: electronica, indie dance R_sound music video. Электронный бомонд - это плейлист в котором мы будем публиковать видео с олдовыми трушными ветеранами в электронном сегменте. Скажем так: - Это наше видение альтернативы топ 100 Dj. Electronic bomond is a playlist in which we will publish videos with old true veterans in the electronic segment. Let’s just say: - This is our vision of the alternative top 100 Dj. #электронный_бомонд Artist: Beatburger Igor Borisov aka Beatburger began as an organizer of underground parties in the legendary St. Petersburg squat Fontanka 145. He was also a session guitarist for the KINO group and Sergei Kuryokhin’s POP MECHANIKA orchestra. One of the organizers of the first raves in Russia “GAGARIN PATI“ radio host and DJ since the beginning of 90. Published on HOUSEPITAL REC / NL / and BERLIN UNDERGROUND labels AERA REC “einzelkaempf. r
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