Superfrog Longplay (Amiga) [50 FPS]

Follow me on Twitter @ Get Great Retro Scene News @ Developed and published by Team 17 in 1993 Back during the heyday of the Amiga computer, Team 17 was one of the most talented and celebrated development studios producing games for the platform. Having had critical success with the Alien Breed games, the team turned their hand to the platform genre, just as many others had done, presumably in an effort to emulate the runaway success of Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog. The game also marks a period in games development where studios and publishers had started to include product placement and advertising in their games. Big name brands including Penguin biscuits, Quavers and 7 Up were all keen to get their products before a captive audience. Team 17 struck a deal with Lucozade to promote the notoriously sugary (yet undeniably delicious) fizzy drink in their game, even going so far as to make it the source of the main character
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