JASENOVAC – THE UNPUNISHED GENOCIDE - PART ONE of the series about the genocide in Nazi Croatia
The Jasenovac camp is one of the largest group of death camps on the land of the so-called “Independent State of Croatia” short NDH aka Nazi Croatia. The camp was created by Nazi Croatia (NDH) east of the small town of Jasenovac in the August 1941. The Nazi Croatian (NDH) state administration called it “The Jasenovac Labor Camp“, inspired by their masters from the Nazi Germany, when primarily referring to the Auschwitz death camp. The common thing between those two camps is that they were both called “Work camps“, but most of the killed victims were killed in the Jasenovac and Auschwitz death camps themselves. Due to the lack of bravery and strength to stand up against the new Communist regime promoting “Brotherhood and Unity between Serbs and Croatians”, as well as the infatuation and attachment of many Serbs towards the communist regime they fought for during the war (later self-proclaimed as “Yugoslavs”), the proper investigations were never done and no one had investigated nor mentioned this genocide during the Nuremberg trials, when the right time had come to count the number victims properly and bring the criminals to justice. This has allowed many Croatian institutions to joke around the number of victims, minimize them or even deny anything even happened or claim that those were only “Croatian communists who stood against the state”. We will stick to the number of victims that is internationally recognized: more than 700,000 Serbs; 80,000 Roma and 23,000 Jews. Among those victims, there were 11,000 murdered children. An additional specialty of the Croatian Nazism aka Ustashism is that there was a specially designed wrist-held-knife that was used for slaughtering Serbs, called “the Serb-cleaver”.
Miroslav Filipović Majstorović (Miroslav Filipovich Maistorovich) was a Franciscan Roman-Catholic priest. He was born in Jajce (today Bosnia & Herzegovina) on June 5th, 1915, and was known by his nickname “Fra Sotona“ (=Father Satan) because of his ability to combine and use religion to justify extreme Croatian Nazism aka Ustashism in personally committing the most heinous crimes inside the death camps. During his time of command of the Jasenovac death camp, between 20,000 and 30,000 people, mostly Serbs, were killed in just four months. “Father Satan“ was sentenced to be hanged on June 29, 1945, but the hanging was postponed multiple times and ultimately carried out the following year, 1946.
Ante Pavelić (Ante Pavelich) was one of the founders of the Nazi Croatian “Ustasha” movement, and a leader in the “Independent State of Croatia” (NDH) aka Nazi Croatia. He was born in the village of Bradina, municipality of Konjic (today in Herzegovina). The village of Bradina on all its demographic censuses, was and is still a predominantly Serb-inhabited village in the municipality of Konjic in the region of Herzegovina. After the war had ended he successfully defected and avoided trial for war crimes and genocide against Serbs in World War II, up until 1957 when the assassination attempt was organized by Blagoje Jovović Serb-member of the Yugoslavia’s intelligence agency. The assassination attempt by Blagoje Jovović was carried out, but Ante Pavelić survived, and moved secretly to a monastery in Spain trying to recover from grievous wounds he sustained. He died of peacefully, in his sleep on the 28th day of the twelfth month of 1959, which according to some sources, was caused by his wounds from the assassination, but was never confirmed.
Vjekoslav Maks Luburić (Vyekoslav Luburich) was born in the village of Humac, municipality of Ljubuški in West Herzegovina, he was the head of the entire organization of the chain of death camps and concentration camps in the NDH, one of which was also the Jasenovac death camp. In other words, he knew exactly which people were being killed, how many, where and why. He got the nickname “Butcher“ because he didn’t hesitate nor shy away from getting his hands dirty, that is, killing or slaughtering a man with his own hands. On April the 20th 1969 Vjekoslav Max Luburić was assassinated in Spain.
Juraj “Juro“ Francetić (Yuray Yuro Frantsetich) was born in the village of Prozor, municipality of Otočac in Lika (today Croatia). He was known for his particularly horrific and torturous massacres in east Bosnia, where Serb women were so afraid they would jump into the cold Drina river to escape his unit’s rape and slaughter, during his commandment shifts of the Ustasha “black legions” in Podrinje (East Bosnia). Juraj “Juro“ Francetić died on December 27 1942, because his soldiers could not defend him from the massive group of Serb peasants who attacked him by stabbing him with pitchforks and spears, thus causing him to die of the wounds sustained.
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5 months ago 00:02:38 1
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13 сентября - Собор новомучеников Ясеновацких. «Завет». Телеканал «Спас»