Souten Kouro AMV “Throat Singing“

Mongolian throut singer Zorigoo (altain orgil), alash ensemble performance featured withmai Tatar zaya SONG: WORDS Zorigoo: Graced by the great sky, descendants of the snow leopards, Aided by the father sky, forefathers of the great taiga (northern snow forest) Strength has arisen, with the best of horse next to me Warriors of the blood clan, willingly sit with comfort What intent tempts you to dare call us? Boastful lad you are, aren’t you foolish? Where are your best of horses? Where are the sturdy men of yours? Where are your patchy bow and arrows? Where are your courage and willpower? Zaya: I am the bestowal of the new Mongols, chained from my ancestors Knowing this, I conquer (overcome) myself, not others. Common descendant of the warriors, herders, wrestlers and sages. The heroes that created my Mongolia, wait now... Here come the youths of knowledge, and my women are charming
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