Herbert Morrison addresses parade of London’s Auxiliary Fire Service Volunteers (1939)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Herbert Morrison Addresses Parade of London’s Auxilliary Fire Service Volunteers. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: . Chief Reviews Fire Fighters ENGLAND: London: Parliament: EXT General view of parade band leading / .(Auxilia ry Fire Service) men marching past / Volunteer Ambulance Service women pan down to legs past / fire-appliances past / car & tender with fire-pump / General view Parliament & firefloats in Thames in foreground / Pan from Parliament to people watching firefloats / boys distributing leaflets / notice “. Recruiting Office“ / Pan from . van to notice “200,000 volunteers wanted“ / General view . men at County Hall / . men and women / Herbert Morrison (Head of London County Council) talks SOT Sound Effects. Morrison says that they are demonstrating to the wor
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